CDK Mobile Systems Inc. is the exclusive source in the Americas for supply of authentic spare parts and upgrade kits and improvements to CLT Systems, M1022-A1 Dolly Set Mobilizers and CLT Dolly Sets. Spare parts are also provided for all other Comtainer Handling and Transport Systems fielded by CDK.
By procuring authentic parts from CDK Mobile Systems as the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), customers are assured that parts meet the latest revision design standard, and are manufactured to required ISO 9002 quality standards by certified parts suppliers. CDK provides a one-year warranty on all spare parts supplied.
CDK accepts VISA credit cards for spare parts orders.
CDK maintains an inventory of most used items to be able to react to emergency customer situations. For normal usage, CDK has available recommended spare parts kits of most used items to support given quantities of systems at the customer’s location. CDK can also work with individual customers to develop a customized spare part stocking plan upon request.